The church of ST. LAWRENCE consists of a nave and chancel, north aisle, two north chapels, two east vestries, a south chapel, south porch, and west tower. With the exception of the tower the church was almost wholly rebuilt in 1861–2, but the 19th-century structure reproduced closely the form of the earlier church with nave and north aisle terminating respectively in a connecting chancel and chapel, and entry to the church being through the south porch. The eastward extensions of the church in 1928 and 1937 considerably enlarged the building.

The earliest part of the church is the stone tower of c. 1200. It is capped by a leaded and shingled spire the framing of which dates partly from the 13th century. Internally the weight of three stages is partly borne on a massive frame inserted in the shell of the tower.

The arcade separating nave and north aisle was one of the few elements retained in the rebuilding of 1861–2. It dates from c. 1300 and may be contemporary with the construction of the Gaynes (or St. Mary's) chapel at the eastern end of the north aisle. A wooden screen for the chapel was provided in the 15th century, elements of which are incorporated in the present one.

The cache has a log book but no pen so please bring one with you. You are looking for a small screwtop container.

If any body would like to expand to this series please do, could you please let sadexploration know first so he can keep track of the Church numbers and names to avoid duplication.