Quite a few people have been asking about the capacitive touch boards since I ran out of IC’s. I now have some more available to purchase. If you would like one, you can buy one on the capacitive touch key page.
Quite a few people have been asking about the capacitive touch boards since I ran out of IC’s. I now have some more available to purchase. If you would like one, you can buy one on the capacitive touch key page.
Could you sell me three blank boards? I’m in the U.S.
BTW, I had the same problem with the dit circuit staying on. Most of the problem went away when I shortened the wires inside the touch keyer’s case.
And…I rotated the angle brackets (touch contacts by 90 degrees. Now I can key by touching down on the contacts with just two fingers. That has made my arthritic hand/wrist very happy.
Hi Bob.
Unfortunately, I do not have any boards left, but if I get some more made, I’ll let you know.
Thanks for the info.
73, John.
Could you sell me two boards assambled ? I’m in the The Netherlands.
Hi Theo.
Sorry, I don’t have any boards left.
I would like to buy a board if you make another run