Building a 4 element 15m monoband Yagi with M0TAZ

Hmm, what to do on a bank holiday Monday? Well, we decided to purchase the aluminium to build a 15m and 10m Yagi about 6 months ago, so it was time to make something of it. Dave M0TAZ is building a 4 element 15m Yagi, and I am building a 3 element 10m Yagi. Dave started constructing his 15m beam this week. It is a DK7ZB 28Ω feed-point 4 element Yagi, with a forward gain of ~6.4dBd. The elements are tapered with 3 different sizes of tubing and the boom is 40mm square and 5m long. All that’s needed now is the feed-point arrangement and it’s ready for testing! Still, it looks great and is very rigid. Cant wait to get it on the mast! Here are a few photos for now…

The 15m Monoband Yagi

The 15m Monoband Yagi

The 15m Yagi - Disassembled.

The 15m Yagi – Disassembled. About £100 worth of aluminium!

Dave M0TAZ hard at work

Dave M0TAZ hard at work

The almost completed 15m Yagi.

The almost completed 15m Yagi. It must be big if it makes Dave look like a little person. Sorry, you get what you give Dave!


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  1. This looks great well done. 73.

  2. Nice looking Yagi! Can’t wait to read more about how your testing and on-air operations go.

  3. Very nice antenna.
    What is the metal structure with wheels (?) by the red building in pictures 3 and 4?

    1. Hi Jorge.
      Thanks for the comment! This is our clubs field day site, which is a cricket club, so the metal structure is a movable practice net for cricket. We have not tried loading it up with an ATU, but it might be an idea 🙂
      73, John.

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